
When you think on-trend nail polish there really is only one brand, as OPI is the name synonymous with exceptional nail care. As the global leader in professional nail products, OPI boasts a complete selection to replicate a perfect manicure or pedicure at home. Featuring nail strengtheners, cuticle care, nail tools and superior lacquers you can buff, shape and polish your nails with ease. Discover fashion-forward lacquer colours with superior nail coverage and intense pigments to create luxe looking nails. You’ll love the quirky colour names and high-shine finish that makes OPI the go-to for long lasting nail care. From the base coat up OPI has your hands and feet covered with their professional manicure and pedicure solutions. Find your next favourite nail polish from their extensive collections of on-trend colours, each richly pigmented with an iconic name to match. More than just pretty colours, OPI offers superior nail strengtheners to nurture brittle, peeling and soft nails back to health. Discover top coats, cuticle care, nail tools and rapid dry products so you can buff, shape and polish your nails with ease. For long wearing nail colour featuring chip-resistant technology, there is no other quite like the luxury quality you experience from OPI.

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