Skin Cycling: A Trend That Works
Skin Cycling: A Trend That Actually Works
Over the years with various TikTok trends, we’ve seen a load of skincare specific trends go viral that haven’t always been backed up with science. However, we’re now seeing a trend that ACTUALLY works. Let's get to know Skin Cycling.
What is Skin Cycling?
Skin Cycling is the process of hydrating and nourishing your skin without needing an overcomplicated 10 step skincare routine. It focuses on simplifying your evening home care routine, whereby different active ingredient products are to be applied to the skin on different days, with a few days set aside purely for skin hydration and recovery.
Dr. Whitney Bowe, dermatologist and scientist, created the Skin Cycling routine to minimise any chance of skin irritations, whilst enhancing quick results from active cosmeceutical skin care. We’re loving this TikTok trend, not just because it ACTUALLY works, but because it’s simple and doesn’t require hundreds of products!
We’ve often heard the saying ‘less is more’ and Dr. Whitney Bowe has taken this to the next level by creating the ultimate skincare routine to protect, nourish and replenish your skin. Skin Cycling delivers clear and smooth skin whilst mitigating the risk of irritation from active ingredients in skincare, such as Retinol & Vitamin A, Glycolic Acid & AHA, causing unwanted sensitivity.
What Are The Benefits of Skin Cycling?
The process of Skin Cycling will help to transform your skin, leaving it feeling healthier, stronger, smoother and more hydrated. Skin Cycling removes the complication and confusion out of applying active ingredients, and minimises the chances of your skin having a mini freak out or flare up to a new active ingredient you introduce. Think of how Retinol can cause dryness, redness and even flakey skin when it it applied night after night to build skin tolerance. Skin Cycling takes these reactions out of the equasion and gently build skin tolerance, minus the irritation. Furthermore, Skin Cycling benefits include better managing indicators of skin irritation, sensitivity and also enhances skin tolerance. The big uplift for your skin is that it has time to recover from the active ingredients and soak up vital hydration and nourishment. The skin has been found to respond beautifully by presenting a more clear, plump and brighter complexion.
Your Simple Guide to Skin Cycling
Day One: Exfoliation Night
1. Use a gentle face cleanser.
2. Exfoliate using a gentle exfoliant or we also recommend an acid based treatment, such as the Alpha H Liquid Gold Exfoliating Treatment with 5% Glycolic Acid.
3. Lastly, moisturise using your favourite night cream product.
Day Two: Retinoid Night
1. Cleanse and then pat your face dry.
2. Apply a light layer of moisturiser to any dry spots if you have sensitive skin or are new to retinoids. e.g. under eyes and on your smile line.
3. Apply a small amount of retinol to your face and neck (less is more when you're first starting out!).
4. Lastly, apply your moisturiser to the face and neck to hydrate.
Day Three & Four: Recovery Night
1. Cleanse and leave your face slightly damp.
2. Apply a hydrating serum, such as a Hyaluronic Acid or Vitamin B & Niacinamide.
3. Lastly, apply your favourite moisturiser to nourish the skin barrier.
4. If your skin is still feeling dry and tight, you could add a few drops of your favourite face oil and massage it onto the face for ultimate hydration.